Basic Unreal Cheats

exit - exit the game

shot - take a screenshot

addbots # - addbots in your game where # is the amount

allammo - get 999 of ammo of every gun you have at that moment

god - invincible, cant be killed

amphibious - underwater time is 999999

invisible - become invisible

fly - you can fly around the air like you are under water

ghost - fly and walk through walls, like clipping

walk - return to normal from invisible, ghost, and fly

behindview # - look behind you, so camera is trailing you, if # is 1, it is behind you, if # is 0, it returns to first person view

killpawns - kills all monsters (pawns) of that level, some may still be there because they appear by a switch

playersonly - freeze all action, like bots, monsters, even bullets, but you can still walk around, doesn't work in multiplayer

summon ***- spawns an actors, where *** is the item (ex.. summon eightball, or summon rifle)